Return Instructions

Please Contact Us so we can provide you with an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number to make the process smooth and fast.

  • Repackage the product(s). If there are any existing shipping labels, stickers, or other materials on the shipping box from previous shipments, please remove them.
  • Attach the return label to the outside of the shipping box.
  • Once your return is received and inspected (usually within 72 business hours of receipt), your refund will be processed, and a credit will be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within seven days. Please note that it may take an additional 2-10 business days after your credit is applied for it to post to your account, depending on your credit card company. As part of our 30-day return policy, all returns will need to be received and processed by our warehouse within 30 days of purchase.
  • When you return your item, use the packaging that your order arrived in or packaging with similar dimensions. Avoid using over-sized boxes or packaging. If the product required assembly, disassemble the item first.

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